Salud inmune: un esfuerzo a largo plazo

Los consumidores de hoy son más conscientes que nunca de que un sistema inmunológico comprometido causa una variedad de problemas de salud y bienestar.

Los consumidores de hoy son más conscientes que nunca de que un sistema inmunológico comprometido causa una variedad de problemas de salud y bienestar.

HOWARU® para un intestino sano

Más del 70 % del sistema inmunitario reside en el tracto digestivo, por lo que el intestino es la primera línea de defensa. Los probióticos HOWARU® están disponibles para promover una microbiota intestinal saludable al apoyar el sistema inmunitario.

Botánicos para una mejor inmunidad

Los ingredientes botánicos también son una categoría clave para la salud inmunológica: el 41 % de todos los suplementos inmunológicos lanzados en Europa entre 2020 y 2023 contienen una afirmación botánica.¹ Los ingredientes botánicos tienen un "halo de salud" en la mente de los consumidores y se benefician de una fuerte conciencia basada en su uso tradicional.



IFF Health Sciences ofrece una cartera diversa de probióticos, productos botánicos y soluciones biotecnológicas que ayudan a reforzar el sistema inmunológico.

HOWARU® Protect 55+​

HOWARU® Protect 55+ is designed to promote immune enhancement in aging adults.

HOWARU® Protect Adult

HOWARU® Protect Adult provides immune defense for overall health and wellness in adults.

HOWARU® Protect Baby

HOWARU® Protect Baby is a probiotic that establishes a healthy microbiota and immune support in early life.

HOWARU® Protect Early Life​

HOWARU® Protect Early Life is designed specifically for pregnant women and children (0 to 2 years)*.

HOWARU® Protect Kids​

HOWARU® Protect Kids is a safe and proven probiotic formulation that helps promote optimal health and wellness in children.​

HOWARU® Protect Prenatal+​

HOWARU® Protect Prenatal+ is a probiotic that supports mother and child during pregnancy and beyond.​

HOWARU® Protect Sport

HOWARU® Protect Sport maintains immune defenses in active sport performers.

Echinacea EFLA® 894

Echinacea has been promoted for years as a dietary supplement to help support a healthy immune system in adults.

AB-Fortis® Microencapsulated Iron

AB-Fortis® microencapsulated iron ingredient allows the fortification of foods with iron without changing the appearance, palatability, or taste.


Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are a major component of human milk.​

HOWARU® Bi-07®

HOWARU® Bi-07® collaborates with other probiotic strains to support gut health and immune function.

HOWARU® Bl-04®​

HOWARU® Bl-04® modulates the immune system, improvement of overall skin health, and digestive health.​


​HOWARU® HN001™ has been extensively studied across all life stages from early infancy through elderly years, and in pregnant and lactating women.​


HOWARU® HN019™ is well-studied for its probiotic properties and has demonstrated many health benefits.​

HOWARU® La-14®

HOWARU® La-14® has been shown to support intimate health in women and maintaining healthy oral microbiota.


HOWARU® NCFM® is well-studied for its probiotic properties and has demonstrated many health benefits.


Acerola is a well-known food antioxidant and immune booster ingredient due to its naturally occurring Vitamin C.​

Ginseng root extract

Ginseng has been used for several thousand years as an ingredient that promotes health, vitality, and longevity.

Ive leaf

Ivy leaf, an active ingredient in herbal medicinal products, is used as an expectorant in case of productive cough.


Pelargonium is a traditional herbal preparation that has been used in subjects with common cold symptoms and uncomplicated respiratory issues.


Sage is an ingredient known to support digestive health, menstruation-related wellbeing and for its hypoglycemic activity.


Valerian is known for its calming effects and is found in many herbal sleep and mood targeting products.

Grow® Nutrients: Natural Support For Health

HOWARU® La-14®

Foi demonstrado que HOWARU® La-14® apoia a saúde íntima das mulheres e mantém a microbiota oral saudável.

Referencias : 1. Mintel GNPD.


Contáctenos para saber cómo nuestra experiencia en microbioma y biociencia puede ayudar a desarrollar, fabricar y ofrecer soluciones que permitan a personas de todas las edades vivir una vida más sana y feliz.


Algunos productos y declaraciones de propiedades funcionales o de salud pueden no estar aprobados en su región. Consulte a su representante de ventas local para conocer la disponibilidad y las declaraciones aprobadas para su región.