Beauty From the Inside-Out

Build a beautiful foundation by tapping into lifestyle factors that affect appearance, such as stress and sleep, in order to help all consumers look and—most importantly—feel their best. ​

The skin is not seen as a passive body part but rather as a living organ that functions in harmony with its ecosystem. It’s the largest organ of the body, and together with its microbiome, it’s the body's protective barrier against the world.

Build a beautiful foundation by tapping into lifestyle factors that affect appearance, such as stress and sleep, in order to help all consumers look and—most importantly—feel their best. ​

The skin is not seen as a passive body part but rather as a living organ that functions in harmony with its ecosystem. It’s the largest organ of the body, and together with its microbiome, it’s the body's protective barrier against the world.


While it is well known that a healthy and balanced diet can affect one’s outward appearance, the gut-skin axis is a relatively new concept. Some of our most commonly-consumed foods can impact the way our skin smells or feels. For example, when one eats oily foods, cruciferous vegetables, or carotenoid-rich vegetables like carrots and tomatoes, our skin may react differently to each. Not surprisingly, dietary ingredients can have an influence on the gut, and therefore support the quality and appearance of skin.

The gut-skin axis is the system by which the effects of gut barrier homeostasis, immune defense, and gut microbiota are translated to the skin.

Gut-friendly Ingredients

Select probiotics, botanicals, and functional ingredients can play a role in boosting skin immunity as well as skin radiance.

Immune System

Intestinal diseases (celiac, IBD, allergies) and an unbalanced gut (dysbiosis) may cause skin problems due to gut barrier defects and immune system disturbance.

Microbiota Balance

Probiotics and prebiotics can balance the gut microbiota and its metabolism, which can improve gut barrier and immune function, benefiting the skin.

The Beauty Market

This rapidly-emerging market segment is creating an unprecedented surge in demand for ingestible products that start with the microbiome.

Today’s beauty innovations tackle the elements that impact the integrity of our skin the most: stress, fatigue, UV radiation and sleep deprivation.



Products carefully designed in accordance with market trends and consumer demands, with tailored formulations that provide effective support for targeted beauty concerns.


The benefits of Kera-Biome ingredients are backed by clinical trials and a compelling consumer study.

In a placebo-controlled human clinical study3, the use of keraGEN-IV® improved skin elasticity, hair pull scores and nail quality after 60 days.*

* Please note that Kera-Biome is only available in Europe and Middle East


The benefits of Pro-Skin ingredients are backed by clinical trials and a compelling consumer study.

In a placebo-controlled human clinical study3, the use of phosphatidylserine (PS) improved the appearance of wrinkles at 12 weeks.*

* Compared to placebo.


Enhancing skin's natural defense and helping skin function at its best are crucial aspects to meet the demand of holistic beauty consumers. They are increasingly seeking holistic approaches to skin care that begin with their internal health and take a more proactive approach to facial care, seeking high-quality products to improve skin moisture, reduce negative impact from stress and strengthen the immune system delivering that focus on health and wellness. ​

IFF Health Sciences offers an array of science-based solutions powered by probiotics, botanicals and bioscience ingredients bringing efficacious health and wellness benefits for innovative beauty products.


HOWARU® Calm is a probiotic for the gut-brain axis, that reduces perceived stress.

HOWARU® Dophilus

HOWARU® Dophilus is a probiotic that supports digestive health and gut comfort.

HOWARU® Feminine Health

HOWARU® Feminine Health promotes vaginal health and overall feminine wellness.

HOWARU® GI Complete​

HOWARU® GI Complete is a unique probiotic blend for gastro-intestinal wellbeing.​

HOWARU® Kids Digestive Health​

HOWARU® Kids Digestive Health​ is a documented probiotic to support digestive health in children.

HOWARU® Pet Health

HOWARU® Pet Health products can be incorporated into pet foods and to promote gut health, digestion, and overall wellbeing in dogs and cats.

HOWARU® Protect 55+​

HOWARU® Protect 55+ supports immune enhancements in aging adults.​

HOWARU® Protect Adult

HOWARU® Protect Adult provides immune defense for overall health and wellness in adults.

HOWARU® Protect Baby

HOWARU® Protect Baby is a probiotic that establishes a healthy microbiota and immune support in early life.

HOWARU® Protect Early Life​

HOWARU® Protect Early Life is designed specifically for pregnant women and children (0 to 2 years)*.

HOWARU® Protect Kids​

HOWARU® Protect Kids is a safe and proven probiotic formulation that helps promote optimal health and wellness in children.​

HOWARU® Protect Prenatal+​

HOWARU® Protect Prenatal+ is a probiotic that supports mother and child during pregnancy and beyond.​

HOWARU® Protect Sport

HOWARU® Protect Sport maintains immune defenses in active sport performers.

HOWARU® Restore​

HOWARU® Restore promotes good digestive health during episodes of gut stress.​


HOWARU® Shape helps consumers feel great while improving their body shape.


HOWARU® Smile supports a healthy smile.

HOWARU® Transit​

HOWARU® Transit has been studied to effectively shorten colonic transit time, support healthy digestion, and ease digestive discomfort.

Benolea®​ Olive leaf extract

Benolea® is a supplement that provides natural support for cardiovascular health and wellness.

BetaPower® Natural Betaine

BetaPower® is a natural nutrient that promotes hydration and performance – especially strength, power, and muscle endurance.​

BroccoRaphanin® (Broccoli)​

BroccoRaphanin® is an innovative broccoli raffinate that stimulates detoxification.


CitrOlive® is a patented blend of bitter orange and olive leaf extracts that synergizes to support health and wellness.


CitroVen® is a blend of olive and citrus designed for cardiovascular support.

Curcugen® (fully natural turmeric oleoresin extract)

Curcugen® is a highly concentrated, clinically studied curcumin ingredient with a tumeric base and a high curcuminoid concentration.


Go-Less® is a clinically researched natural solution for bladder wellness.

Go-Less® Men

Go-Less® Men, IFF Health Sciences’ pumpkin seed extract EFLA® 940, helps support healthy male urinary function.


LinumLife® is used in​ functional foods, dietary supplements, and cosmetic applications to improve skin health and wellness.​


Neuravena® is a superior green oat extract for brain function support.​

AB-Fortis® Microencapsulated Iron

AB-Fortis® microencapsulated iron ingredient allows the fortification of foods with iron without changing the appearance, palatability, or taste.


INFAT® is a specially formulation developed for infant formula so it is closer to human milk, providing optimal nutrition for infants.


keraGEN-IV® supports healthy hair, skin and nails with natural keratin.


NovaSOL® solubilisation technology provides unique properties which result in rapid absorption and increased bioavailability.

Sharp-PS® for Beauty

Sharp-PS® has been clinically-tested to improve cognitive performance, attention, behavior, and stress-reduction through overall skin health.

Sharp-PS® for Brain Health

Sharp-PS® (phosphatidylserine) is a highly researched ingredient whose benefits support both body and mind.


SoyLife® is a unique isoflavone ingredient manufactured exclusively from soy germ.


UniK2® provides natural Vitamin K2, which can be considered the missing link for improved bone and cardiovascular health.


FenuLife® is a unique source of galactomannan fiber.


Litesse® polydextrose is widely recognized and used as a fiber as well as a premium bulking ingredient for sugar and fat replacement.

HOWARU® B420™​

​The primary health attributes of HOWARU®​ B420™ are weight management and metabolic health.​

HOWARU® Bi-07®

HOWARU® Bi-07® collaborates with other probiotic strains to support gut health and immune function.

HOWARU® Bl-04®​

HOWARU® Bl-04® modulates the immune system, improvement of overall skin health, and digestive health.​


​HOWARU® HN001™ has been extensively studied across all life stages from early infancy through elderly years, and in pregnant and lactating women.​


HOWARU® HN019™ is well-studied for its probiotic properties and has demonstrated many health benefits.​

HOWARU® La-14®

HOWARU® La-14® has been shown to support intimate health in women and maintaining healthy oral microbiota.

HOWARU® Lpc-37®

HOWARU® Lpc-37® supports overall digestive health as well as managing the psychological response to stress.


HOWARU® NCFM® is well-studied for its probiotic properties and has demonstrated many health benefits.


Acerola is a well-known food antioxidant and immune booster ingredient due to its naturally occurring Vitamin C.​


Artichoke is known to consumers as a purifying plant with potential ingredient benefits for weight control.


Bearberry extract has been recognized for helping to maintain urinary tract health and mitigate urinary tract infections and inflammation.


Chamomile is one of the oldest, most widely used, and well-documented medicinal plants in the world.

Chaste Berry

Chaste Berry is often used as a remedy for women’s health challenges.

Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex​

Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex​ is a dietary supplement that supports cardiovascular and metabolic health.


Dandelion herb and root has been traditionally used for the relief mild digestive disorders.

Devil’s Claw

Devil's Claw root extract has been used to relieve joint stiffness and discomfort and mild digestive complaints.

Echinacea EFLA® 894

Echinacea has been promoted for years as a dietary supplement to help support a healthy immune system in adults.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo Biloba Extract​)

Ginkgo biloba extract is used to support the improvement of cognitive function and memory.

Ginseng root extract

Ginseng has been used for several thousand years as an ingredient that promotes health, vitality, and longevity.


Grapefruit contains citrus flavonoids that are well known for their beneficial effects on metabolic health.

Green Mate

Green Mate extract has traditionally been used as a natural used as a natural medicine for many purposes.

Green Tea

According to Asian tradition, green tea is able to provide relief for anything from headaches, body aches, and pains to constipation and depression.


Guarana is a species of climbing plant native to the Amazon that is known as an antioxidant, traditional medicinal, with natural stimulant effects.

Ivy Leaf

Ivy leaf, an active ingredient in herbal medicinal products, is used as an expectorant in case of productive cough.

Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is recommended to temporarily improve tenseness, restlessness and irritability, and as symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders.

Passion Flower​

The passion flower plant (passiflora incarnata L.) is has been documented in having the potential to relieve mental stress symptoms and promote sleep.


Pelargonium is a traditional herbal preparation that has been used in subjects with common cold symptoms and uncomplicated respiratory issues.


Purslane is rich in valuable nutrients that has a long tradition of medicinal and culinary use.

Red Vine

Redvine extract is used for its antioxidant properties and positive effects on cardiovascular health.


Rosemary is recommended by traditional medicine to support digestive health.


Sage is an ingredient known to support digestive health, menstruation-related wellbeing and for its hypoglycemic activity.


Thyme has been used in traditional medicine in productive cough associated with colds and is based upon long-standing use.


Valerian is known for its calming effects and is found in many herbal sleep and mood targeting products.

Grow® Nutrients: Natural Support For Health


Calceobiotic™ is a new, whole food postbiotic system that delivers nature-like, higher bioavailable calcium.

HOWARU® B420™​

HOWARU®​ B420™ contribui para o controle de peso e a saúde metabólica.​

HOWARU® Bi-07®

HOWARU® Bi-07® colabora com outras cepas probióticas para apoiar a saúde intestinal e a função imunológica.

HOWARU® Bl-04®​

HOWARU® Bl-04® modula o sistema imunológico, melhora a saúde geral da pele e a saúde digestiva.​


HOWARU® Calm é um probiótico para o eixo intestino-cérebro que reduz o estresse percebido.

HOWARU® Dophilus

HOWARU® Dophilus é um probiótico que apoia a saúde digestiva e o conforto intestinal.

HOWARU® Feminine Health

HOWARU® Feminine Health promove a saúde vaginal e o bem-estar feminino geral.

HOWARU® GI Complete

HOWARU® GI Complete é uma combinação probiótica única para o bem-estar gastrointestinal.​


​HOWARU® HN001® foi extensivamente estudada em todas as fases da vida, desde a primeira infância até a velhice, e em mulheres grávidas e lactantes.​


HOWARU® HN019™ é bem estudado por suas propriedades probióticas e demonstrou muitos benefícios à saúde.​

HOWARU® Kids Digestive Health

HOWARU® Kids Digestive Health​ é um probiótico documentado para apoiar a saúde digestiva em crianças.

HOWARU® La-14®

Foi demonstrado que HOWARU® La-14® apoia a saúde íntima das mulheres e mantém a microbiota oral saudável.

HOWARU® Lpc-37®

HOWARU® Lpc-37® apoia a saúde digestiva geral, bem como gerencia a resposta psicológica ao estresse.


HOWARU® NCFM® é amplamente estudado por suas propriedades probióticas e demonstrou muitos benefícios à saúde.

HOWARU® Pet Health

HOWARU® Pet Health pode ser incorporado em alimentos para animais de estimação para promover a saúde intestinal, a digestão e o bem-estar.

HOWARU® Protect 55+​

HOWARU® Protect 55+ apoia melhorias imunológicas em adultos idosos.​

HOWARU® Protect Adult

HOWARU® Protect Adult fornece defesa imunológica para a saúde e bem-estar geral em adultos.

HOWARU® Protect Baby

HOWARU® Protect Baby é um probiótico que estabelece uma microbiota saudável e proporciona suporte imunológico no início da vida.

HOWARU® Protect Early Life

HOWARU® Protect Early Life foi desenvolvido especificamente para mulheres grávidas e crianças (0 a 2 anos)*.

HOWARU® Protect Kids​

HOWARU® Protect Kids é uma formulação probiótica segura e comprovada que ajuda a promover a saúde e o bem-estar ideais em crianças.​

HOWARU® Protect Pré-natal+​

HOWARU® Protect Prenatal+ é um probiótico que apoia mãe e filho durante a gravidez e depois dela.​

HOWARU® Protect Sport

HOWARU® Protect Sport mantém as defesas imunológicas em praticantes de esportes.

HOWARU® Restore

HOWARU® Restore promove uma boa saúde digestiva durante episódios de estresse intestinal.​


HOWARU® Shape ajuda os consumidores a se sentirem bem enquanto melhoram a forma do corpo.


HOWARU® Smile apoia um sorriso saudável.

HOWARU® Transit

HOWARU® Transit foi estudado para reduzir efetivamente o tempo de trânsito colônico, apoiar uma digestão saudável e aliviar o desconforto digestivo.


A alcachofra é conhecida pelos consumidores como uma planta purificadora com potenciais benefícios de ingredientes para controle de peso.


O alecrim é recomendado pela medicina tradicional para apoiar a saúde digestiva.


A camomila é uma das plantas medicinais mais antigas, mais utilizadas e bem documentadas do mundo.

Curcugen® (extrato de oleorresina de cúrcuma totalmente natural)

Curcugen® é um ingrediente de curcumina altamente concentrado e clinicamente estudado, à base de cúrcuma e alta concentração de curcuminóides.


A erva e a raiz do dente-de-leão têm sido tradicionalmente usadas para aliviar distúrbios digestivos leves.


A erva-cidreira é recomendada para melhorar temporariamente a tensão, a inquietação e a irritabilidade, e como tratamento sintomático de distúrbios di


Sálvia é um ingrediente conhecido por apoiar a saúde digestiva, o bem-estar relacionado à menstruação e por sua atividade hipoglicêmica.


O tomilho tem sido usado na medicina tradicional na tosse produtiva associada a resfriados e é baseado no uso de longa data.


A valeriana é conhecida por seus efeitos calmantes e é encontrada em muitos produtos fitoterápicos que visam o sono e o humor.

Ferro microencapsulado AB-Fortis®

O ingrediente de ferro microencapsulado AB-Fortis® permite a fortificação de alimentos com ferro sem alterar a aparência, palatabilidade ou sabor.

Sharp-PS® para a saúde cognitiva

Sharp-PS® (fosfatidilserina) é um nutriente clinicamente estudado e aprovado pela ANVISA, no Brasil.


SoyLife® é um ingrediente único de isoflavona fabricado exclusivamente a partir de gérmen de soja.


UniK2® fornece vitamina K2 natural, que pode ser considerada o elo que falta para melhorar a saúde óssea e cardiovascular.


A polidextrose Litesse® é amplamente reconhecida e usada como fibra e também como ingrediente de volume premium para substituição de açúcar e gordura.

References:1. Mintel Beauty Disruptors: Holistic Beauty I The Future of Facial Skincare: 2022; 2. Kelly et al. 2023 (pending acceptance from the journal); 3. Choi et al. 2013


We’d love to talk to you about how our microbiome and bioscience expertise can help you develop, manufacture and deliver solutions that enable people at all life stages to live healthier and happier lives. ​